COMING SOON: Coupons&Coffee - new and improved!

Sunday, July 26, 2009

My CVS trip - 7/26

Total: $.47 and sales tax

Kashi (2 boxes of cereal and TLC granola bars) - 3/$10, get $5 EB

Binder clips - $.99, get $.99 EB

Bic Triumph Roller - BOGO ($3.99 each)

Paid with $6 EB
Subtotal: $.47
Total OOP: $1.56 (Boo sales tax!)
Received $5 EB and $.99 EB

Total saved: $31.45


DowntownFTL said...

Great trip!! Boo tax is right!!

Melissa said...

Thanks! I'm not a fan of paying taxes, but I guess no one really is. lo