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Wednesday, August 12, 2009

BzzAgent - Try out new products for FREE!

A couple of days ago, I received an invitation for my fourth BzzCampaign through BzzAgent. I'm really excited about getting the chance to test out the new Burt's Bees natural acne solutions!

I've posted about BzzAgent before, but here's a quick recap:

BzzAgent (pronounced "Buzz agent") is a word-of-mouth (WOM) marketing company that puts products directly in the hands of consumers to test out. As someone who's studied advertising and marketing, I think this is a really, really cool concept. Plus, it means FREE stuff for you!

It's completely free to sign up, and you're under absolutely no obligation to buy anything. Once you sign up and fill out some short surveys, you'll be contacted to participate in campaigns. While most of the campaigns are free, some require a small fee. You can decline any campaign you don't want to participate in, and it won't affect your eligibility for future campaigns.

In March, I received a free Glade Sense & Spray to test out and tell people about, and in May, I received a free pack of Bic Soleil Bella razors to try. My campaign kits also included coupons for each product and a book of product information.

If you're interested in signing up or want to learn more, just go here.

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